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What Kind of Freedom? Reflections about Vulnerabilities and Family Ties at a Later Age

Screened at the opening session of the festival “Triste Para Sempre” in Lisbon, in December 2024, the film “Alma Anciana” (ancient soul) tells the intertwined stories of three elderly groups whose vastly different family ties and trajectories paint a profound picture about care, vulnerability and resilience. Set in Porto (Portugal), Vienna (Austria) and Havana (Cuba), […]

Integral Human Development

Blooming: tales of old age, abandonment and a country at a crossroads

Conceived under the ULYSSES European Odyssey (2022-2024), an artistic project stretching across countries and which collects particular socio cultural elements from James Joyce’s Ulysses, the stage play Blooming (São Luiz Teatro Municipal, Lisbon, 2024) impressed its audiences with a daring take on the concept of aging in contemporary Portugal. Director Marco Martins wisely chose the […]