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Integral Human Development

Jorge, desenhos do meu filho

Figura incógnita que aparece na história com o único epíteto de “o amado filho louco”, Jorge, o mais velho de Ana Plácido e do escritor Camilo Castelo Branco, deixou para a posteridade mais de 300 desenhos. Feitos a grafite, tinta-da-china, carvão e guache os desenhos foram guardados pelo próprio pai numa pasta de couro vermelha […]

Integral Human Development

Investigating Spirituality in Nursing: A Guide to Research Methods

Helga Martins1, Joana Romeiro2 & Silvia Caldeira3 1Helga MartinsPos-doctoral Fellow at Integral Human Development Program, PhD, RN, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Doctoral School (CADOS). Faculty of Health Sciences and Nursing, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Health, Lisbon, Portugal.Instituto Politécnico de Beja, Escola Superior de Saúde. R. Dr. José Correia Maltez, 7800-111 Beja, Portugal.ORCID: hemartins@ucp.pt2Joana RomeiroPos-doctoral […]

Integral Human Development

The Role of Spirituality in Bereavement: What We Need to Understand

Helga Martins1, Joana Romeiro2 & Silvia Caldeira31Helga MartinsPos-doctoral Fellow at Integral Human Development Program, PhD, RN, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Doctoral School (CADOS). Faculty of Health Sciences and Nursing, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Health, Lisbon, Portugal.Instituto Politécnico de Beja, Escola Superior de Saúde. R. Dr. José Correia Maltez, 7800-111 Beja, Portugal.ORCID: 2Joana RomeiroPos-doctoral […]

Integral Human Development

Pronta para dar o primeiro salto

Em “A Velhice”, Simone de Beauvoir convida-nos a explorar a velhice por dentro, ou seja, como uma experiência humana que não está apenas no outro, mas que precisa ser reconhecida em cada um de nós. Como diz em um dos trechos: “paremos de trapacear; o sentido da vida está em questão no futuro que nos […]

Integral Human Development

Qualitative Perspectives on Spiritual Distress in Cancer Patients

Helga Martins1 & Silvia Caldeira2 1Helga Martins Pos-doctoral Fellow at Integral Human Development Program, PhD, RN, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Doctoral School (CADOS). Faculty of Health Sciences and Nursing, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Health, Lisbon, Portugal. Instituto Politécnico de Beja, Escola Superior de Saúde. R. Dr. José Correia Maltez, 7800-111 Beja, Portugal. ORCID: E-mail: […]

Integral Human Development

Fernanda Montenegro e a arte de envelhecer

Prestes a completar 95 anos de idade, a atriz brasileira Fernanda Montenegro levou mais de 15 mil pessoas ao Parque Ibirapuera, em São Paulo (Brasil), para ouvirem o texto “A Cerimônia do Adeus”, de Simone de Beauvoir. No palco, a imagem é de uma senhora vestida em preto sentada à secretária, nada mais. Concentrada em […]

Integral Human Development

(Re)searching needs and hope through visual storytelling

/ 32nd Interview: The U.S. / In today’s world, millions of people are looking for a new home as a response to economic difficulties, political tensions, environmental issues, or the opportunities presented by work or education. (Re-)searching needs and hope through visual storytelling is an online audiovisual project that contains interviews with migrants in Portugal. The same set […]

Integral Human Development

(Re)searching needs and hope through visual storytelling

/ 31st Interview: Madagascar / In today’s world, millions of people are looking for a new home as a response to economic difficulties, political tensions, environmental issues, or the opportunities presented by work or education. (Re-)searching needs and hope through visual storytelling is an online audiovisual project that contains interviews with migrants in Portugal. The same set of questions […]

Integral Human Development

(Re)searching needs and hope through visual storytelling

/ 30th Interview: Brazil / In today’s world, millions of people are looking for a new home as a response to economic difficulties, political tensions, environmental issues, or the opportunities presented by work or education. (Re-)searching needs and hope through visual storytelling is an online audiovisual project that contains interviews with migrants in Portugal. The same set of questions […]

Integral Human Development

(Re)searching needs and hope through visual storytelling

/ 29th Interview: Kenya / In today’s world, millions of people are looking for a new home as a response to economic difficulties, political tensions, environmental issues, or the opportunities presented by work or education. (Re-)searching needs and hope through visual storytelling is an online audiovisual project that contains interviews with migrants in Portugal. The same set of questions […]