A exposição fotográfica “A Arte de Envelhecer – Dar Mais Vida aos Anos”, concebida por Sandra Ventura e que ficou aberta ao público até ao dia 1 de dezembro de 2024, no Museu da Farmácia de Lisboa, reuniu algumas qualidades que merecem ser aqui discutidas. Seja pela capacidade da expressividade artística em interpelar os sujeitos, […]
Mês: Novembro 2024
/ 40th Interview: Algeria / In today’s world, millions of people are looking for a new home as a response to economic difficulties, political tensions, environmental issues, or the opportunities presented by work or education. (Re-)searching needs and hope through visual storytelling is an online audiovisual project that contains interviews with migrants in Portugal. The same set of […]
/ 39th Interview: Brazil / In today’s world, millions of people are looking for a new home as a response to economic difficulties, political tensions, environmental issues, or the opportunities presented by work or education. (Re-)searching needs and hope through visual storytelling is an online audiovisual project that contains interviews with migrants in Portugal. The same set of […]
/ 38th Interview: Multicultural background / In today’s world, millions of people are looking for a new home as a response to economic difficulties, political tensions, environmental issues, or the opportunities presented by work or education. (Re-)searching needs and hope through visual storytelling is an online audiovisual project that contains interviews with migrants in Portugal. The same set […]
/ 37th Interview: Cuba / In today’s world, millions of people are looking for a new home as a response to economic difficulties, political tensions, environmental issues, or the opportunities presented by work or education. (Re-)searching needs and hope through visual storytelling is an online audiovisual project that contains interviews with migrants in Portugal. The same set of […]
/ 36th Interview: Cabo Verde / In today’s world, millions of people are looking for a new home as a response to economic difficulties, political tensions, environmental issues, or the opportunities presented by work or education. (Re-)searching needs and hope through visual storytelling is an online audiovisual project that contains interviews with migrants in Portugal. The same set […]
/ 35th Interview: India / In today’s world, millions of people are looking for a new home as a response to economic difficulties, political tensions, environmental issues, or the opportunities presented by work or education. (Re-)searching needs and hope through visual storytelling is an online audiovisual project that contains interviews with migrants in Portugal. The same set of […]
/ 34th Interview: Ukraine / In today’s world, millions of people are looking for a new home as a response to economic difficulties, political tensions, environmental issues, or the opportunities presented by work or education. (Re-)searching needs and hope through visual storytelling is an online audiovisual project that contains interviews with migrants in Portugal. The same set of […]
/ 33rd Interview: Palestine / In today’s world, millions of people are looking for a new home as a response to economic difficulties, political tensions, environmental issues, or the opportunities presented by work or education. (Re-)searching needs and hope through visual storytelling is an online audiovisual project that contains interviews with migrants in Portugal. The same set of […]
A coragem
Somos inundados pela uma virulenta gramática do egoísmo social. Em contraposição aos valores da solidariedade e da cooperação entre indivíduos e povos, um individualismo exacerbado é apresentado como estruturante do pensamento único que se quer impor. Quer seja através do papel das plataformas digitais, quer contando com os padrões de entretenimento ou modos de vida social, […]