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Integral Human Development

(Re)searching needs and hope through visual storytelling

/ 20th Interview: Chile / In today’s world, millions of people are looking for a new home as a response to economic difficulties, political tensions, environmental issues, or the opportunities presented by work or education. (Re-)searching needs and hope through visual storytelling is an online audiovisual project that contains interviews with migrants in Portugal. The same set of questions […]

Integral Human Development

Blooming: tales of old age, abandonment and a country at a crossroads

Conceived under the ULYSSES European Odyssey (2022-2024), an artistic project stretching across countries and which collects particular socio cultural elements from James Joyce’s Ulysses, the stage play Blooming (São Luiz Teatro Municipal, Lisbon, 2024) impressed its audiences with a daring take on the concept of aging in contemporary Portugal. Director Marco Martins wisely chose the […]

Human Rights Humanitarian work Integral Human Development Migrants

  Da solidariedade – etapas da história

Durante a II Guerra Mundial, no prosseguimento da invasão e da ocupação de países europeus, desencadeou-se a espiral de terror por parte do exército nazi e, por consequência, a fuga de milhares de migrantes em busca de refúgio. O Governo de Portugal, tal como de outros Estados na Europa, adotou uma prática restritiva quanto aos […]

Integral Human Development

(Re)searching needs and hope through visual storytelling

/ 19th Interview: The Gambia / In today’s world, millions of people are looking for a new home as a response to economic difficulties, political tensions, environmental issues, or the opportunities presented by work or education. (Re-)searching needs and hope through visual storytelling is an online audiovisual project that contains interviews with migrants in Portugal. The same set of […]

Integral Human Development

Consumo mediático e envelhecimento

Segundo relatório produzido pela Entidade Reguladora para a Comunicação Social (ERC) em 2015 (disponível em:, entre os/as portugueses/as com 55 anos ou mais, 68% tinham interesse em notícias sobre Portugal e 79% estavam interessados/as em notícias em geral. Ainda de acordo com este documento, os públicos referidos como mais idosos, ou seja, com 65 […]

Integral Human Development

A brief essay on the edge of the periphery

“What society is this? Who are we who form an entire generation of young people who need to express themselves through destruction?” (Choque) In 2012, the Seventh International Biennale of Berlin invited a group known as the “Brazilian pixadores” to conduct a presentation and workshop at St. Elizabeth Church. The Biennale’s theme, Forget the Fear […]

Integral Human Development

(Re)searching needs and hope through visual storytelling

/ 18th Interview: Russia / In today’s world, millions of people are looking for a new home as a response to economic difficulties, political tensions, environmental issues, or the opportunities presented by work or education. (Re-)searching needs and hope through visual storytelling is an online audiovisual project that contains interviews with migrants in Portugal. The same set of questions […]

Integral Human Development

Unnecessary Suffering in Oncology: A Focus on Pain Relief

Helga MartinsPos-doctoral Fellow at Integral Human Development Program, PhD, RN, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Doctoral School (CADOS). Faculty of Health Sciences and Nursing, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Health, Lisbon, Portugal.Instituto Politécnico de Beja, Escola Superior de Saúde. R. Dr. José Correia Maltez, 7800-111 Beja, Portugal.ORCID: Unnecessary Suffering in Oncology: A Focus on Pain […]