This third blog post will continue my reflection on issues pertaining migrant women, integration and discrimination topics. I will propose here a special focus on the general forms of disrespect based on Axel Honnet’s (1992-2021) perspective concerning recognition theories and also on the multiple ways how those forms of disrespect and misrecognition or non-recognition might […]
Mês: Junho 2022
(Foto by Hector Retamal/AFP) Ana Marta ALEIXO CADOS, Universidade Católica Portuguesa © 2022 Recognition of the climate refugee for integral human development The status of climate refugee is still not legally recognised, further complicating concerted and specific support action for these displaced persons. The scientific community calls for an international commitment to support the populations […]
The active principle of the Ugly
The Ugly is not a “Being”. The Ugly is a “Becoming”. Its condition is not static. It lives in a relative, entropic, and never definitive axiological spectrum. It is a negation, the active principle of negation. Finding a “frame” of the Ugly implies recognizing dimensions of reality that distance us from a promise of happiness […]
Although there are a relatively considerable number of news pieces on migration, we barely see migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers quoted in the news. Without truly hearing them, we can’t acknowledge their perspective. Ester Minga At the beginning of May, I watched the play Une Histoire Bizarre, directed by Sebastião Martins and produced by Associação […]
The important thing is to think and feel with those sharing their time, experience and narratives with us.
This openness to others’ emotions can also bring us discomfort, but they challenge our construction and learning