Populorum progressio: The turning point Helga Martins1 & Silvia Caldeira2 1Helga Martins Pos-doctoral Fellow at Integral Human Development Program, PhD, RN, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Doctoral School (CADOS). Faculty of Health Sciences and Nursing, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Health, Lisbon, Portugal. Instituto Politécnico de Beja, Escola Superior de Saúde. R. Dr. José Correia Maltez, 7800-111 […]
Categoria: Objetivos Laudato Si’
Given that university students are the next generation of leaders who will be the decision-makers and spearheads of new attitudes and values, it is essential to understand how the encyclical Laudato si’ and its objectives (Laudato si’ goals) have been disseminated in higher education, with a view to building an integral ecology that promotes the common good.