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Populorum progressio: The turning point

Populorum progressio: The turning point Helga Martins1 & Silvia Caldeira2 1Helga Martins Pos-doctoral Fellow at Integral Human Development Program, PhD, RN, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Doctoral School (CADOS). Faculty of Health Sciences and Nursing, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Health, Lisbon, Portugal. Instituto Politécnico de Beja, Escola Superior de Saúde. R. Dr. José Correia Maltez, 7800-111 […]

Climate change Education for Sustainable Development Higher Education Integral Human Development Water

The water war: Is water a common good?

Is water a common good, when so many people still do not have the right to it? More than ever, climate change and the need for an urgent response to it are the order of the day. Although the prevention, combat and mitigation of climate change have long been discussed, news of natural and other […]

Education for Sustainable Development Higher Education Integral Human Development Laudato Si' goals Sustainable development Sustainable development goals world peace

The spiritual dimension for more sustainable behaviours in higher education institutions

  Creativity emerges as the response of different higher education institutions to the challenge launched by the United Nations and Laudato Si’…It is based on a more holistic pedagogical change that considers not only technical skills, but also the promotion of internal and transversal competences, aiming at sustainable development including the interaction between the self, […]

Alterações climáticas Climate change Common Home Development education Education for Sustainable Development Integral Human Development Non classé world peace

Science, Development and Integrality

This integral awareness will promote a science more awake to the needs outside its academic walls, where its transference will be an excellent influence for Development in the various domains. Carlos Barros On 10 November is celebrated the World Science Day for Peace and Development[1]. This event, promoted by UNESCO, began in the outset of […]

Desenvolvimento sustentável Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável Education for Sustainable Development Higher Education Integral Human Development Objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentáveis Sustainable development Sustainable development goals

The role of European universities for the sustainable transformation of society

It is also essential to map the initiatives that provide a response to the different sustainable development goals and the building of bridges between educational institutions as indicated by the work of Valdés and Comendador (2022), which recommends future research on the best practices of these alliances and deepening the understanding of the differential and […]

Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável Education for Sustainable Development Higher Education Integral Human Development Laudato Si' goals Objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentáveis Objetivos Laudato Si' Sustainable development Sustainable development goals

The role played by pastoral care in higher education for the promotion of Laudato si’ and the Sustainable Development Goals

Given that university students are the next generation of leaders who will be the decision-makers and spearheads of new attitudes and values, it is essential to understand how the encyclical Laudato si’ and its objectives (Laudato si’ goals) have been disseminated in higher education, with a view to building an integral ecology that promotes the common good.

Education for Sustainable Development Integral Human Development Laudato Si' goals Sustainable development Sustainable development goals

Sustainable Development, Sustainable Development Goals, Integral Human Development, Integral Ecology, Laudato si’ Goals and New Humanism: theoretical and conceptual framework

The importance of the conceptual framework for the development of practical initiatives serving the common home and a new humanism to foster effective and sustainable Integral Human Development.

Desenvolvimento sustentável Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável Education for Sustainable Development Higher Education Sustainable development Sustainable development goals

The sustainable development goals in higher education curricula: Where we are and where we need to go

Formal, non-formal and informal education must be reformulated to foster a sustainable society. However, it is paramount to recognize the barriers that hinder the promotion of education for sustainable development, namely the lack of teacher training in this field and even the lack of understanding of sustainability issues among higher education teachers © Ana Marta […]