Helga MartinsPos-doctoral Fellow at Integral Human Development Program, PhD, RN, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Doctoral School (CADOS). Faculty of Health Sciences and Nursing, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Health, Lisbon, Portugal.Instituto Politécnico de Beja, Escola Superior de Saúde. R. Dr. José Correia Maltez, 7800-111 Beja, Portugal.ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5804-7934E-mail: hemartins@ucp.pt Honoring Nursing’s Past, Crafting a Vision for the […]
Categoria: Desenvolvimento sustentável
It is also essential to map the initiatives that provide a response to the different sustainable development goals and the building of bridges between educational institutions as indicated by the work of Valdés and Comendador (2022), which recommends future research on the best practices of these alliances and deepening the understanding of the differential and […]
Formal, non-formal and informal education must be reformulated to foster a sustainable society. However, it is paramount to recognize the barriers that hinder the promotion of education for sustainable development, namely the lack of teacher training in this field and even the lack of understanding of sustainability issues among higher education teachers © Ana Marta […]