Ao falarmos sobre a experiência vivida do Espaço, impulsionados por hipotéticas linhas de diálogo que se entrelaçam nos Estudos Surdos, bem como na Fenomenologia da Percepção de Maurice Merleaux-Ponty (1994), reconhecemos o conceito emergente de Corpo Próprio, Corpo Subjetivo e experiência do Espaço, ou seja, os modos de ser, sentir e compreender o mundo, na […]
Autor: Filipa Machado Rodrigues
Umberto Eco [i] claims that sensory phenomena are transcribed, in the photographic emulsion, in such a way that even if there is a causal link with the real phenomena, the graphic images can be considered as wholly arbitrary with respect to these phenomena. The author refers to the highly subjective personal decisions that take part in […]
Deafness, which is currently framed under the broader term “Deaf and Hard of Hearing” (DHoH) – covers hearing loss that ranges from mild, moderate, severe, and profound – is a relatively common condition and found in all regions and countries, irrespective of gender, social or economic status of individuals. Its typology and etiology are varied. […]
According to the term coined by Stefan Collini (2012) [1], the dimension of research that supports up-to-date, innovative, and creative teaching action in universities can be cataloged by the Edspeak buzzwords, that is: “competitive, ground-breaking, cutting-edge, relatable, applicable, impactful, transferable, research cluster grant-winning, profit-generating, and easily packaged for media coverage”. In fact, academia did not […]
The active principle of the Ugly
The Ugly is not a “Being”. The Ugly is a “Becoming”. Its condition is not static. It lives in a relative, entropic, and never definitive axiological spectrum. It is a negation, the active principle of negation. Finding a “frame” of the Ugly implies recognizing dimensions of reality that distance us from a promise of happiness […]
Ecology of everyday life: DeafSpace and homemaking in the experience of displaced deaf people When we talk about social and cultural ecology, driven by lines of investigation that intertwine Deaf Studies and Cultural Studies, we recognize the connection with ways of being, feeling, and understanding the world, associated with deaf people who use gestural communication […]