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Anthropology Divine Malikarjun Nature Nepal Transcendence

Relationship Between the Divine and Nature in Nepal – the Malikarjun Case

In this eleventh blog post, I depart from the field experiences of anthropologists Alex Greene and David Gellner in Nepal, to problematize the conception of the landscape as a repository of memory, and a nexus that unites the divine with the human, as well as the multiform resource to religion, to question the suffering of […]

Migrants Migratory Justice Psychoanalysis Scapegoating Sociology

Scapegoating of People and Groups

In this tenth blog post, I depart from the analyzes by René Girard (1988, 1997, 2001) and Levine (2011) to reflect upon the scapegoat dynamics that affect individuals and groups – in a spectrum that ranges from particular family dynamics that exclude certain individuals, unfavorable school and work contexts, to the social exclusion of entire […]

education Higher Education Social Contract UNESCO

UNESCO: Reimagining Our Education’s Futures Together.

  In this ninth blog post, I start from the most recent UNESCO report on Education (2021) and Nóvoa’s reflections (2021, 2022) on the changes registered in educational institutions in the post-Covid-19 pandemic scenario. Positing the possibility of a disaggregation of universities via entrepreneurialization and AI, this author proposes them as a place par excellence […]

Ethnic Media Media Coverage Migration studies Science Communication

Media Coverage, IT/New Media/’Ethnic Media’, Science Communication and Terminological Issues in Migration Studies.

In this eight blog post, I will examine the key-role played by media coverage, not only while shaping general attitudes towards migrants, but also while broadcasting and conveying notions associated with particular competing moral economies. I will discuss terminological issues and the specificity of some of the results achieved on the field of migration studies, […]

Bourdieu Lemaitre Sociology of Science

For a Sociology of Science

In this seventh blog post, I will analyze the role of science in the light of the pertinent considerations made by Pierre Bourdieu (2000, 2001) in this regard more than 20 years ago. In fact, this author thought about education, intellectuals and academia at least since 1982 (40 years ago) and the publication of his […]

Ambrosini Deservingness Migration governance Moral economy

Ambrosini (2022): Moral Economy, Deservingness, Competing Moral Economies and Immigration Policies.

In this sixth blog post, I will examine the connection between the concepts of moral economy, deservingness, competing moral economies and concrete immigration policies based on the analyses provided by Maurizio Ambrosini (2021, 2022). I will proceed by bridging them with the general use of time as a tool in migration governance (temporalities, uncertainties, othering […]

Climate change Climate Migrants Climate Refugees Common Home IOM Migratory Justice

Our Common Home: The New Juridico-Political Category of ‘Climate Refugees’

In this fifth blog post, I will examine IOM’s – International Organization for Migration recurrent stance on how more measures are needed to protect climate migrants and climate refugees around the world and its relationships with both new research lines on climate migrants being created and developed by migration research institutes around the globe (from […]

Migration governance Migration studies Temporal turn Transnationalism

The Temporal Turn in Migration Studies

In this fourth blog post, I will examine different perspectives on the so-called temporal turn in migration studies by describing its origins, main characteristics and protagonists, together with the main recent tendencies in research focusing on time and migration.   © Alexandra Pereira, CECC, UCP, 2022 * Cover Image Creative Commons License Type:    According to […]

Disrespect Honneth Nepali Female Migrants Recognition

Recognition and Forms of Disrespect

This third blog post will continue my reflection on issues pertaining migrant women, integration and discrimination topics. I will propose here a special focus on the general forms of disrespect based on Axel Honnet’s (1992-2021) perspective concerning recognition theories and also on the multiple ways how those forms of disrespect and misrecognition or non-recognition might […]

Integral Human Development Intergenerational Solidarity Migrants Nepalese Migrant Women

Nepali Female Migrants – 2

This is the second part of a blog post introducing my postdoc research project with Nepalese Female Migrants from the 1st and 2nd generations in Portugal within the framework of the IHD – Integral Human Development postdoc program at CADOS, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, 2022.