Helga Martins1 & Silvia Caldeira2
1Helga Martins
Pos-doctoral Fellow at Integral Human Development Program, PhD, RN, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Doctoral School (CADOS). Faculty of Health Sciences and Nursing, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Health, Lisbon, Portugal.
Instituto Politécnico de Beja, Escola Superior de Saúde. R. Dr. José Correia Maltez, 7800-111 Beja, Portugal.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5804-7934
E-mail: hemartins@ucp.pt
2Sílvia Caldeira
PhD, MSc, RN, Associate Professor, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Faculty of Health Sciences and Nursing, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Health, Lisbon, Portugal.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9804-2297
E-mail: scaldeira@ucp.pt
The Intersection of Cancer Care and Spirituality: Exploring Spiritual Distress in Chemotherapy Patients
Martins, H., Domingues, T. D., Campos de Carvalho, E., Timmins, F., & Caldeira, S. (2023). Prevalence, defining characteristics, and predictors of the nursing diagnosis of spiritual distress in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy: A longitudinal study. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 55(4), 782–791. https://doi.org/10.1111/jnu.12862
Introduction: Cancer patients are exposed to several types of treatments, including chemotherapy. In this context, patients experience several nursing diagnoses, including spiritual distress. The definition of the diagnosis of spiritual distress is grounded in lack of meaning and purpose in life, a sense of suffering, and a feeling of disconnected.
Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence, sensitivity, specificity, and predictors of the nursing diagnosis of spiritual distress of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.
Designs: The study used a longitudinal questionnaire design with quarterly data collection points over a 12-month period. Participants were recruited through random sampling, in an outpatients’ setting in one oncology day unit in Portugal.
Findings: The highest prevalence of spiritual distress was found at 3 months after patients started chemotherapy. The highest value of specificity was lack of meaning in life and express suffering, and the highest values of sensitivity concerned spiritual distress diagnosis. The predictors of spiritual distress were express suffering, alienation, questioning meaning in life, lack of serenity, questioning the meaning of suffering, hopelessness, and lack of meaning in life.
Conclusions: Spiritual distress is a human response that is current in patients undergoing chemotherapy, and the highest prevalence seems to occur at 3 months after commencing chemotherapy. Express suffering and lack of meaning in life play the role not only of defining characteristics (DC) in this study, but also of predictors in the diagnosis of spiritual distress.
Clinical relevance: The identification of the prevalence, predictors, sensitivity, and specificity of the DC of the nursing diagnosis of spiritual distress in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy may facilitate nurses’ clinical reasoning and improve the planning of nursing care in clinical practice in order to improve spiritual well-being in cancer patients.
OpenEdition sugere que esta publicação seja citada da seguinte forma:
helgamartins (1 de Dezembro de 2024). The Intersection of Cancer Care and Spirituality: Exploring Spiritual Distress in Chemotherapy Patients. Desenvolvimento Humano Integral. Recuperado em 25 de Janeiro de 2025 de https://doi.org/10.58079/12sxl