Joana Romeiro. Pos-doctoral Fellow at Integral Human Development Program, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Doctoral School (CADOS). Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Health, Lisbon, Portugal
On April 19th, the event “Curare. The round Table Talks” will take place at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa.
Promoted by a group of researchers from the Integral Human Development Program (Católica Doctoral School), with the support of Porticus. It comprises an unavoidable debate on the interconnections between health and well-being and artistic expression. This event comes as a tribute to the celebration of World Health Day (7th April) and World Art Day (15th April), bringing together renowned participants whose contribution will be invaluable to the two discussion tables: Canvas of Mental Wellness and Art Prescription (Portuguese and English).
Take part in this inspiring event where we will have contributions from: Catarina Capinha (psychologist and art therapist – Sociedade Portuguesa Arte-Terapia); Catarina Pombo Nabais (curator, researcher at the Department of History and Philosophy of Science of the Faculty of Sciences, Professor Faculty of Human Motricity); Eduardo Prado Cardoso (playwright and film director; IHD researcher); Isabel Rosado (Clowns d’Opital); Ligia Fernandes (artist and co-founder of the Lisbon Drawing Club); Paulo Pires (Head of Culture of CCDR Lisboa e Vale do Tejo, I.P.); Sandro Resende (Manicómio); Stefanie Franco (anthropologist and art historian; IHD researcher).
Moderated by: Agata Wiórko da Câmara, Helga Martins, Joana Romeiro, Linda Koncz.
We invite all interested parties to attend in person or follow us via the attached link.

OpenEdition sugere que esta publicação seja citada da seguinte forma:
joanaromeiro (25 de Março de 2024). Discussing health and art connection. Desenvolvimento Humano Integral. Recuperado em 9 de Fevereiro de 2025 de