The important thing is to think and feel with those sharing their time, experience and narratives with us.
This openness to others’ emotions can also bring us discomfort, but they challenge our construction and learning
Categoria: Integral Human Development
This is the second part of a blog post introducing my postdoc research project with Nepalese Female Migrants from the 1st and 2nd generations in Portugal within the framework of the IHD – Integral Human Development postdoc program at CADOS, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, 2022.
In general, higher education institutions have not yet understood their responsibility in the field of SD, meeting the SGDs and Laudato Si’s goals, notably goal 5 – Ecological Education “re-thinking and re-designing curricular and institutional reform in the spirit of integral ecology to foster ecological awareness and transformative action”, as a response to the ecological crisis by redefining and rebuilding our relationships with each other and with our common home (considering the planetary limits of all socio-economic systems and the human roots of the ecology crisis).
Ana Marta Aleixo, UCP, 2022
Despite the big steps that still need to be taken, there is added hope in the small steps, reflected in the fluidity of these families who tend to participate more and more and with less rigidity of roles. Carlos Barros Under a transdisciplinary approach, solidarity can be defined as a union of interests, sympathies and […]
In the conflict that unfolds on European soil and whose victims are predominantly white people, attention to the value of diversity in journalism is revealed both in what is reported and in what is not usually covered Ester Minga The war in Ukraine has, unsurprisingly, received intense news coverage. Even before the invasion by Russia, […]
Autonomy, innovation, and collaboration will undoubtedly be key factors in a new and desirable configuration of this structuring sector which, like others, will have to know how to respond to the “urgent challenge of protecting our common home (…) in the search for sustainable and integral development”, effectively and truly propelling the common good.
Ecology of everyday life: DeafSpace and homemaking in the experience of displaced deaf people When we talk about social and cultural ecology, driven by lines of investigation that intertwine Deaf Studies and Cultural Studies, we recognize the connection with ways of being, feeling, and understanding the world, associated with deaf people who use gestural communication […]
This is the first part of a blog post introducing my postdoc research project with Nepalese Migrant Women from the 1st and 2nd generations in Portugal within the framework of the IHD – Integral Human Development postdoc program at CADOS, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, 2022.
Blog for the presentation, discussion and dissemination of the different research projects integrated in the Post-Doctoral Program on IHD – Integral Human Development by CADOS (2022-2024), Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal. The projects focus on Integral Human Development themes, namely the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) of the 2030-UN Agenda engaging with the Peripheries of Humanity and with invisible, unheard or excluded populations: migrant women, migrants with special needs, non-migrant elderly relatives and representations of migrants on the media, hidden school dropout, organization and local management of the humanitarian organization Caritas.